Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Prosthodontics
- Periodontology
- Orthodontics
- Oral Medicine & Radiology
- Oral Pathology
- Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
- Public Health Dentistry
- Human Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Pharmacology
- Microbiology
- General Pathology
- Dasmesh hospital
- Satellite centres
- Anaesthesia
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics deals with diseases of the pulp and other aesthetic treatments. Department witnesses OPD of more than hundred patients per day. It is equipped with all the latest equipments, infrastructure and laboratory facilities. Conservative department has separate under graduate and post graduate sections. All the latest treatment modalities like single visit endodontics, microscopic endodontics, ceramic crowns and laminates are carried out here. Department has intake of two post graduates every academic year. Department post graduates routinely figure among top three university rank holders. Centrally air conditioned pre-conservative lab is equipped with state of the art simulators of international standards and one of the best in the country.
Dr. Sunandan K. MittalProfessor & HOD | Dr. Tarun KumarProfessor | ||
Dr. Vanita KeshavProfessor | Dr. Rishi AggarwalAssoc. Professor | ||
Dr. Madhvi Goyal Asstt.Professor | Dr. Kuljit KaurAsstt. Professor | ||
Dr. Anmol Preet KaurAsstt. Professor
| Dr. Sahil MongaAsstt. Professor | ||
Dr. Neha KapoorAsstt. Professor | Dr. Sumandeep KaurAsstt. Professor | ||
Dr. Arshpreet KaurAsstt. Professor | Dr. Apardeep KaurLecturer | ||
Dr. Gazal MadaanLecturer |
- Fillings
- Amalgam restoration
- Composite restorations
- Cosmetic contouring
- Veneers
- Bleaching of discolored teeth
- Root canal treatment
- Surgical endodontic treatment
- PFM crowns
All Ceramic Crowns