Pediatric Dentistry
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Prosthodontics
- Periodontology
- Orthodontics
- Oral Medicine & Radiology
- Oral Pathology
- Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
- Public Health Dentistry
- Human Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Pharmacology
- Microbiology
- General Pathology
- Dasmesh hospital
- Satellite centres
- Anaesthesia
Department of Pediatric Dentistry is dedicated to oral health of children from infancy through teenage. This speciality adapts techniques and procedures that provide primary and comprehensive oral health care that includes the following:
Infant Oral Health examination which includes risk assessment for dental caries in children.
Preventive dental care which includes cleaning of teeth(scaling), fluoride treatment, diet counselling, pit and fissure sealant application.
Restoration of the tooth with tooth coloured filling materials.
Root Canal Therapy for primary and young permanent teeth
Care for dental injuries (for example: fractured, displaced or knocked -out tooth).
Management of various oral habits like thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting.
Management of gum diseases including ulcers, high frenum attachments, mucoceles and pediatric periodontal diseases.
Early assessment and treatment for mal-aligned teeth (Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics).
Dental management of physically disabled and medically compromised child.
Conscious sedation or general anaesthesia for uncooperative pediatric dental patients.
Dr. Meenu BholaProfessor & HOD | Dr. Nitika BajajProfessor | ||
Dr. Manpreet KaurAssoc. Professor | Dr. Taruna GeraAssoc. Professor | ||
Dr. Lovejeet AhujaAssoc. Professor | Dr. Sumeet PaltaAsstt. Professor
| ||
Dr. Anu RaniAsstt. Professor | Dr. Samarpreet KaurAsstt. Professor | ||
Dr. Trisha MehtaLecturer |
- Restorations
- Veneering-Direct and Indirect
- Scaling-hand and ultrasonic
- Vital and Non-Vital Pulp Therapies with latest materials
- Crowns–Stainless Steel,Strip/Polycarbonate crowns,PFM,metal,and acrylic
- Post and core
- Bleaching
- Fluoride applications
- Pit and fissure sealants
- Habit breaking appliance
- Myofunctional appliances
- Space Maintainers
- Removable appliances
- Removable Partial Dentures
- Fixed Interceptive Orthodontic appliances
- Extractions
- Minor Oral Surgical Procedures
- Splinting